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Intro goes here


Documentation Website

You’re here!

The quartz subdomain will be used to show the documentation of this project as well as retroactive documentation of some of my past projects.

I’ve considered using Jira and confluence to document the tasks and knowledge base for this project but I believe that as there is no team management required, Obsidian allows for far more control, as well as a nicer finished product published using Quartz(fantastic service but the name has terrible SEO).

Presentation Website

The index page of makro.ca will need a refresh. Im still very happy with how the first version came out and while I think the structure and implementation is impressive, I am simply not a graphic designer. I will remake the index using the bootstrap assets I purchased for a clients website.

If this becomes a viable product in the future I will expand my website to also include a store subdomain and use a service such as shopify for all the e-commerce tools.

I had this idea of having an Apple like animation of this project on my main website, where as you scroll, the various 3D modelled enclosures will slide over the PCB that is fixed in the centre of the page. This will solidify the idea of the board being modular.


For the prototype I made for my dads birthday, I made a very simple box with exposed cardboard and drew little shipping symbols all over. I don’t know if this is exactly the aesthetic I want to be associated with this project but I do think it came out very cute. Unfortunately didn’t seem to take any photos of the box.