
  • Import PCB models
  • Design simple initial model
  • 3D print prototype
  • Decide on variants to make
  • Model variants
  • Refine


  • Secure mounting for main PCB
  • Secure mounting for USB-C breakout
  • Easy to 3D print with
  • Little to no post processing
  • Durable enough for reasonable handling
  • Feels high quality
  • Easy to package
  • No patent/copyright issues


The PCB will be designed with the goal of being easy to 3D model around, allowing for many different variants of the product using consistent hardware.

I will 3D model the various enclosures using Fusion360 as that is the platform I’m most comfortable on (also Solidworks is not available on Mac).

Make an initial enclosure that is simply a box with clean lines that is very tight to the footprint of the PCB.

Potential sources of inspiration for enclosure designs:

  • Macintosh Plus (Actually own this) - Made Previosly
  • Imac G3
  • Retro TV - Made Previously
  • Arcade machine
  • Gameboys
    • Color
    • Advance
    • Advance SP
  • Tamagotchi
  • BMO
  • Hockey Jumbotron ??
    • 4 Displays
  • Fallout PipBoy

Everything will be printed using my Creality Ender3-Pro in PLA. In the future, if this project becomes a commercial product I may take a look at professional manufacturing.

To keep the footprint of the device as small as possible to look right as the display for as many devices as possible, making the mounting options slim and flexible is very important. One solution is to use a 2 stage enclosure where the board and display are held captive within a 3d printed cage. That cage then has mounting points that allow it to be secured in the cosmetic enclosure.

Sticker decals, light up marquee for Arcade enclosure?
